Drop boxes fit your schedule with 24/7 drop off for FedEx shipments. Select sites also have later pickup times and Saturday pickup times. To get complimentary FedEx packaging (for eligible shipments), and document pouches, find a location near you. Take advantage of FedEx online shipping solutions and search nearby shipping locations to send your international shipments easily and efficiently. Find a FedEx service point, drop-off point or. Kunjungi halaman lokasi kami untuk menemukan lokasi FedEx di dekat Anda. FedEx Drop Boxes accept most letters and packages with a shipping label/air waybill. Use FedEx supplies or your own packaging to drop off. Use our locator to find a FedEx location near you. Follow our steps to find FedEx ship centers, stations or self-service lockers for drop-off, pickup or packaging for your international shipments, packages or parcels.
Masukkan nama kota atau jalan untuk menemukan lokasi FedEx atau klik "Cari di Sekitar" untuk menemukan lokasi di dekat Anda. Klik "Lihat Rincian" untuk memeriksa alamat, jam operasi,. FedEx Drop Box menerima hampir semua surat dan paket dengan label pengiriman/air waybill. Gunakan persediaan FedEx atau kemasan Anda sendiri untuk mengantarkan paket. Gunakan. Temukan solusi untuk semua kebutuhan pengiriman international anda, dari mulai pengantaran, pengiriman, pengemasan hanya melalui satu lokasi FedEx kami dan FedEx authorized ship. You can easily pick up and drop off packages near you. Drop off pre-packaged, pre-labeled FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® shipments, including return packages. With FedEx Hold. Select your location or search to find FedEx locations near you to help with all your shipping needs. With thousands of FedEx Drop Boxes available nationwide, you can find one at a shopping center, grocery store or FedEx location near you. Drop boxes fit your schedule with 24/7 drop. Simply go to our FedEx location finder and search for a pick-up or drop-off point near you.. You’ll also see the operating hours and contact information of your nearest location. Drop off your package at a FedEx location near you. Find out how to drop off your FedEx package with or without a printed shipping label. Get help packing your shipment at FedEx Office. Find solutions to all your shipping, drop off, pickup, packaging and printing needs at thousands of FedEx Office, Ship Center, Walgreens, Dollar General and Drop Box locations near you. For returns and prelabeled packages below 15 kg, find a retail point near you to drop off your package. Please also make sure your package is only up to 90x60x60 cm. For any larger. In this article, we helped you navigate the FedEx.com site to find the closest location near you, track your door tag, and learn how FedEx drop boxes work. We also outlined how different. FedEx® Drop Boxes. With drop boxes located in office buildings, shopping malls and other convenient locations, there's always a place nearby to drop off your FedEx Express and. Take advantage of FedEx online shipping solutions and search nearby shipping locations to send your international shipments easily and efficiently. Find a FedEx service point, drop-off point or.
For returns and prelabeled packages below 15 kg, find a retail point near you to drop off your package. Please also make sure your package is only up to 90x60x60 cm. For any larger. In this article, we helped you navigate the FedEx.com site to find the closest location near you, track your door tag, and learn how FedEx drop boxes work. We also outlined how different. FedEx® Drop Boxes. With drop boxes located in office buildings, shopping malls and other convenient locations, there's always a place nearby to drop off your FedEx Express and. Take advantage of FedEx online shipping solutions and search nearby shipping locations to send your international shipments easily and efficiently. Find a FedEx service point, drop-off point or.